The first set for the STAR TREK: The Next Generation Customizable Card Game (ST:TNG CCG) contains some new terms and concepts. This sheet is a supplement to the rules cotained in the basic starter sets.
The complete 122-card set contains 40 commons, 40 uncommons and 41 rare cards plus 1 ultra-rare card assorted randomly. Forty-nine of these cards contain subject matter related to alternate realities or universes: tile travellers, alternate timelines, parrallel universes, illusionary or visionary experiences, surreal worlds and different "phases" of existance. These cards are identified by a special Alternate Universe icon on the card. The remaining 73 cards expand upon the existing elements of ST:TNG CCG, deepening the gameplay in various ways. Alternate Universe expansions are sold only in 15-card packs containing a ratio of 11 common, 3 uncommon, and 1 rare.
The First Ultra-Rare Card -- Issued by popular demand, the first "ultra-rare" card in the ST:TNG CCG can be found in the Alternate universe expansion set. The Future Enterprise, seen in the episode "ALL GOOD THINGS..." is three times as rare as a normal rare card. Since so many fans requested that ultra-rares be distributed this way, we have honored that request. Decipher has more ultra-rate cards in the works (some are very unusual) that will utilize a different distribution approach, so stay tuned!
This Expansion set introduces a new catagory of cards called "doorways." These cards "link" elements of Star Trek that would normally be separate so that those elements can logically mix with the normal ST:TNG CCG cards. In this case we are linking cards from an "alternate universe" to the normal ST:TNG universe. Future expansions sets will utilize similar Doorway cards if necessary.
Alternate Universe Doorway -- This is a common card played during the seed phase to ensure that it is brought into play easily. While this doorway is "open" you can bring into play cards containing Alternate Universe icons. If this doorway is "closed" (i.e., by a Revolving Door card), you cannot bring in additional Alternate Universe cards until it is reopened; cards already in play are unaffected by closed doorways. In addition to their function as a linking card, doorways may have other uses (as indicated on the card). In all such cases the Doorway card is normally playable at any time during your own turn.
The Alternate Universe expansion set indroduces a few new terms and concepts:
"Unique" -- Personnel or ships that are not "universal" (i.e., have no universal icon) are considered "unique." For example, Jean-Luc Picard is an example of unique personnel; Ensign McKnight is universal.
"Not Duplicable" -- A card that says it is "not duplicable" means that only one of that particular card can be in use at one time. For example, if one Ressikan Flute is already in play, neither you nor your opponent may bring another one into play.
"Reverse" -- To "reverse" a particular card means to reflect its effects upon another card or player.
"Stasis" -- A personnel card placed in stasis is both stopped and unconscious (unable to defend itself if attacked) for the duration of time specified by the card. A ship can also be placed in stasis.
"Captive" -- This set introduces various ways to capture opposing personnel. When this occurs, captured personnel are placed on the table by your draw deck. You cannot use such personnel as your own, but you can interrogate them. (Additional options for treatment will appear in future expansions.) An opponent can rescue captured personnel using cards designed for that purpose. Captured cards are returned to their owner at the end of the game. You Cannot capture your own personnel. Captives are considered "in play" and therefore vulnerable to effects such as Anti-Time Anomaly.
"Side Game" -- A quick "game within a game," activated by a card. The Casino Royale: Blackjack card is the first such card to be introduced.
"Dual-Affiliation" Personnel" -- Personnel that have two affiliation icons are considered "dual-affiliation" to reflect their split personality. The skills they have differ sccording to which affiliation is being used, as stated on the card. Major Rakal and Stefan DeSeve are the first two dual affiliation cards; there will be others in future sets. They can be used for either affiliation, but both affiliations cannot be used at the same time. (The affiliations can, however change from one to the other during the course on the game.)
The "Colon Rule" -- A simple method to interpret, by glancing at the name of a card, whether or not it is grouped with other cards that portray the same character. For example: can the mission that requires Data to complete it also be done by an "alternate universe" version of Data? The answer is as follows: if two similar cards have the exact same name, or the same name differented by a colon (like "Kevin Uxbridge" and "Kevin Uxbridge:Convergence") then they are grouped together in terms of how they relate to other cards. If two similar cards have a different name (even a slight difference, such as "Tasha Yar" and "Tasha Yar-alternate timeline..." or "Amanda Rogers" and "Countermanda") and there is no colon, then they are NOT grouped together.
"(*) Astericks" -- Some Cards introduce unusual features that require more detailed expanations than rooms allows in the box. This is indicated by an asterisk ("*") or sometimes an "X." Elsewhere on the card the asterisk is explaned. (For example, the Gomtuu ship has a special weapon so an asterisk can be found in its Weapons box.
"Special" Skills and Classifications" -- Some Alternate Universe personnel have special abilitied or effects. These are described in their skills box in addition to any "normal" skills. Some new ships also have special features. In addition this set introduces a new personnel classification called "Animal." Treat animal personnel like normal personnel cards. (This is one way animals will be used in ST:CCG; they usually have a symbolic "skill.")
"Special" Missions -- There are several new missions that have unusual skill requirements or other instructions of importance stated on the card. Some use X's or astericks as outlined above, or they may have other "weird" features (i.e., one mission has different span numbers on its two ends). These are not misprints!
Engage Shuttle Operations -- This card provides a mechanism for carrying shuttles and runabouts from ships and using them to ferry personnel down to a planet. If the "mother ship" is destroyed and shuttle it carries is also destroyed. If the shuttle on board is destroyed, the "mother ship" is damaged. Both are affected by a dilemma being faced by the crew on the mother ship. Missions cannot be attempted from a carried shuttle. If the Engineer who operated the shuttle is lost, it cannot be launched or recovered, Launching the shuttle from the ship uses no Range of the shuttle. To land the shuttle (or runabout) on a planet, or to take off from the planet, requires the use of the full normal movement Range of the Shuttle. It must start with all of its Range intact and it expands all its Range during the landing process. Therefore, landing and launching would normally by a two-turn operation. Landing a shuttle is a good way to avoid blocks or hazards to beaming, of which there are now many. It will be developed further in future expansions. See Rule FAQs for addition details. Wartime Conditions -- This allows the Federation to declare was if it is attacked first. Thereafter it can freely attack the affiliation that initiated the conflict. Note that the card has an Alternate Universe icon. It applies to both players when in play. When played, it destroys a corresponding treaty if one exists. If destroyed by Kevin Uxbridge, its effects no longer apply. You cannot attack yourself in order to use this card.
Tama, the Tamarian Ship -- The "lore" on this card is written in Tamarian. The phrase "Dathon, speaking first." means that dathon is the captain which is imporntant to know if you use the Captain's Log card.
Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone -- The effects of this card accumulate as described for each separate battle in which it is involved.
Coalescent Organism -- The idea behind this dilemma is that it can be passed on. The affected personnel can be used normally until it dies at the end of owner's subsequent turn. At that time, if it is in the same location as any other personnel (including opposing personnel), the Coalescent Organism is transferred to one of them via random selection. Keep the Dilemma card with the personnel card to show who is affected. If the affected personnel is alone when it dies, the Dilemma is discarded.
The Higher ... The Fewer -- Designed to discourage "overloading" you are penalized one point for each personnel present (indicated by the variable "X" on the card) when this card is present. You will need to remember this amount and subtract it from your cumulative score. (There are also several new cards in the set that discourage "red-shirting" missions with just one or two personnel.)
Cryosatellite -- If it is somehow destroyed before it is earned by completing the mission, all the artifacts and personnel aboard are also discarded.
Gomtuu -- When is battle with Gomtuu, both sides get to use their weapons regardless of whether Gomtuu fired first.
Rishon Uxbridge -- The "Not Cumulative" here means you cannot put more than one of these cards at a time on the same Event.
Diplomatic Conference -- You do not have to have a three-way treaty to arrange the conference. You just need to bring the VIPs to this planet, where they can mix together as if in separate Away Teams.
Qualor II Rendezvous -- A mission for non-alligned personnel because affiliated personnel are in stasis here (as stated on the card), requiring non-aligned personnel to handle the entire job themselves.
Casino Royale -- The players show their hands and count up the total CUNNING numbers on their personnel to determine their numbers for a blackjack match. Barclay Transporter Phobia -- The affected personnel refuses transporting as described, including when it is first affected. If necessary, keep the card with the personnel to remind you of this limitation until cured.
Alternate Universe Ships -- Several of the Alternate Universe ships have one or more Alternate Universe icons in the "staffing requirements" box. This means you must have an Alternate Universe personnel present for each such icon to staff the ship. Also one personnel cannot meet more than one staffing requirement. (i.e., Alternate Universe personnel with command ability can meet either a command requirement or an Alternate Universe requirement, but not both.)
Receptacle Stones -- If this card is used, and both players are affected by a dilemma, the player whose turn it is will be affected first. When finished, the other player is affected.
Federation Battle Rules -- A few cards in this set provide logical ways for the Federation to initiate battles in ways that occured in the series. These cards supercede the "house rules" that have been published in FAQs for allowing Federation attacks in certain circumstances. (see FAQs for more details.)
Devidian Door -- A link between the present and the future, it is supposed to create the "flavor" of suddenly having someone appear NOW -- out of the blue -- from the future. Its effect comes before its cause! When you use it by announcing "Devidian Door" and bringing someone into play, you MUST play the card on your next turn or lose the game. (Because if you did not play the card, you could not have caused the effect that happened, and have thus ruined the space-time continuum!) It is a very strong card, but using it can be risky. If you are prevented from playing it on your very next turn, you automatically lose the game. It is possible to no have the card in hand and yet still attempt to play it. However, you are gambling that you can get it into your hand by the next turn (i.e., by using a Betazoid Gift Box). If you use it but the game ends before your next turn, you must still show that you had the Devidian Door in Hand, or lose the game. To prove that you have the Devidian Door you simply show it to your opponent(s) and place it out of play. Thus, it is not affected by the Energy Vortex or Revolving Door cards. Note that the card can be played "at any time" which means that it can be played during an opponent's turn (like an interrupt card is played). The Devidian Door is not nullified by Amanda Rogers because it is not an Interrupt card.
For more information on the Star Trek: The Next Generation Customizable Card Game contact Decipher at: 253 Granby Street, Norfolk VA 23510; Phone (804) 623-3600; Fax (804) 623-3630; Automated Fax Response System (804) N2D-NEWS;;; or the company's web site -
Trademarked, Registered Trademark, and Copywrited 1995 paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. STAR TREK:THE NEXT GENERATION, STAR TREK, and ST:TNG are Trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Decipher Inc. Authorized User. Package, game components and rules Copywrited 1995 Decipher Inc., P.O. Box 56 Norfolk Virgina U.S.A. 23501-0056. All Rights Reserved. Alternate Universe, Customizable Card Game, Expand Your Power In The Universe, CCG, and The Art of Great Games are trademarks of Decipher Inc.
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