The Frazier Photo Album
Summer Vacation 2003
Todd returns to Iowa to help Dad build a garage
and attend his 20th Class Reunion
(and a few pics of Washington from the air)

(click pictures for full size versions)

Iowa Sunrise
Iowa Sunrise
Murry and Heather's new Garage
Murry and Heather's new Garage

Fraz ("frayze")
Fraz ("frayze")
Ken and Chris
Ken and Chris

Chris and Earlin
Chris and Earlin
Brad, Tammy, Sherrie, and Jerry
Brad, Tammy, Sherrie, and Jerry
Ed and Donna
Ed and Donna
Doug and Angie
Doug and Angie
Gary and Pam
Gary and Pam
Jeff and Wendy
Jeff and Wendy
Rod, Jim, and Joel
Rod, Jim, and Joel
Mt. Aix (left)
Mt. Aix (left)
Mt. Adams
Mt. Adams
Mt. Rainier
Mt. Rainier
Mt. Rainier and White River
Mt. Rainier and White River

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All Photos ©2025, Todd K. Frazier - amateur photographer
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This page was last updated on Thursday May 03, 2007