Todd's Photo Album

A Traffic Jam - Friday August 17th, 2001
on my way home from work - North Bend to Bonney Lake
WA - 18

(click pictures for full size versions)

30 Minutes from home and traffic comes to a complete stop...

5 minutes later.. we've moved about 500 feet.

5 more minutes and we start to move.. finally!!!

oh boy.. we've stopped again...

and, we're slowing down yet again...

Usual Drive: 60 minutes of scenic peace

Todays Drive: 80 minutes including unexplained slowdowns...

By unexplained, I mean there is never anything to see when you get past the "bottleneck" to help me understand why we slowed down at all.. frustrating is the word of choice. 

At least the trees and mountains are there to look at on days like this.

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All Photos ©2025, Todd K. Frazier - amateur photographer
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This page was last updated on Thursday May 03, 2007