About Todd

[Todd Frazier]

Todd endorsing the Conn 8D

I was born in Scottdale, Arizona on January 31, 1965, and my family moved to the midwest (Nebraska and then Iowa) when I was 3. I did lots of things back then, but the most memorable three were probably Boy Scouts (I made the rank Life Scout and am a Brotherhood member in Order of the Arrow), becoming a Christian in the RLDS church - now known as the Community of Christ, and learning music. I started by learning percussion, then switched to French horn. Along the way, I also learned to play the bass trombone in jazz band. I was three times honored for my French horn playing skills by getting to play in the Iowa All-State band. I grew up in a very small town named Griswold; I went to a public high school with 79 people in my graduating class!

I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Music Education from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. I also played in the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra and worked for NPR Radio on the local station, KNAU as a classical "D.J". Somewhere in there, I became a Deacon and began to donate time back to my Lord Jesus, in as many ways as possible. I even found my future wife, Leslie, by climbing Mt. Eldon (long story).

[Leslie Frazier]
My Wife, Leslie--(her high school picture)

One of my greatest personal accomplishments, during those days, was hiking all the way to the Colorado River at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have a thing for self torture, or are in very good shape. My legs wouldn't move for a week afterwards!!

After college was over, I taught for 3 years in a small town called Ash Fork, while my wife finished her degree in Speech Pathology. We had our first child, Heather and then moved to Topeka, Kansas where Leslie got a great job offer. We had our second girl, Holly, shortly after we moved there. Hannah came along 4 years later. I tried to land a teaching job but found very few openings. So, I did other things, like selling cable television and running a daycare. Then, I went back to the one job I love more than anything else: Radio. I did that full time overnights for 2 years, and then another 2 years on weekends at KMAJ as a pop music D.J.. After a while, even the things you love can become tiresome, if the hours are bad enough. Overnight work wasn't for me, and I went back to work with my old boss in the cable business. However, by the time I got back, Cable-Tel, Inc. was selling satellite dishes for DISH Network. I headed up the financial department in that growing business. Later, I moved into warehousing and purchasing. We next moved to the Seattle area, as I continue in business management. In my spare time (very little these days), I also work on several websites, like the aforementioned Cable-Tel, Inc (now SkyKansas.com) as well as KMAJ, GatewayConcertBand.org, McCrackenAlumni.com, and my own Macintosh site: Macshare.com

I've also been working on a new venture; recording digitally and in multiple tracks with my horn. You can check out all the results by going to
The Frazier Horn Choir MP3 Download page.

[Frazier Kids]
Our kids: Heather, Holly, and Hannah back in 2001.

When we lived in Topeka, I continued with my French horn playing. I was a proud member of the Topeka Symphony Orchestra, The Marshall Band (the oldest community band in America), and the North Topeka Community Band. I had the wonderful experience of playing for great entertainers like Bernadette Peters, Ray Charles, Itzhak Perlman, Collin Raye, the Beatlemania cast, and the Canadian Brass.

Since we moved to Seattle, I've met tons of horn players.. so far I've played with at least 82 different hornists in various music groups. I'm amazed at the amount of quality players here. I am a member of the Gateway Concert Band, The Rainier Symphony Orchestra, and The Federal Way Symphony. I'm having lots of fun. So far, I've filled in when needed with the Thalia Symphony Orchestra, Northwest Symphony Orchestra, and the Seattle Philharmonic. You can also find me at many of the local churches on various sundays when I get hired to play. In the summer of 2001, I played horn for a production of Oliver over in Enumclaw, and sat in with an Army band during a performance over in Gig Harbor. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, I joined the fun with the Northwest Mahler Festival. When I find the time, I can be found with the Puget Sound Horn Society. A few other groups I've played with are the Port Gardner Chamber Winds and the Rainier Lyric Opera Orchestra.

In my spare time I play golf, collect and watch James Stewart movies, read science fiction, and watch Star Trek. Lately, I've been interested in family history, so if any of you out there are of the Frazier (Fraser) clan, I'd love to hear from you. I'm interested in genealogy and researching the family surname. Drop me a line!!!

My favorite teams are:

These pages are maintained by Todd K. Frazier
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